英語学習: Behind the scenes
Tom was bursting to tell everyone the news.
Behind the scenes - Revealing what is done out of public view
In his speech, the university president thanked all the staff who had worked behind the scenes to make the fund-raising campaign a success.
She was behind the scenes in the president's decision to raise taxes.
His senior aides were busy behind the scenes.
He is the mastermind behind the scenes.
go the rounds
The rumor quickly went [did, made] the rounds within a single day.
英語学習: face-lift operation
This terminal just underwent a major face-lift.
The department store will be getting a 50-million dollar face-lift.
The new president is the right person to give this company the face-lift it needs.
face-lift for Coming-of-Age events
face-lift operation
face-lift person
have a face-lift to incorporate the new look
英語学習: Will - Shall - Would | English Modal Verbs (Part 2)
This is our second lesson on English Modal Verbs. In This English lesson, we will be looking at how to use Will, Shall and Would. We will end our lesson with a gap filling exercise so you can practise what you have learnt.
英語学習: When NOT to use 'to' in English - Grammar
I'm going home. Are you going home? I'm going abroad. I'm going underground. I'm going downtown. I'm going uptown. I'm going there. I'm going here. I'm going anywhere. I'm going inside. I'm going outside. I'm going out. I'm going downstairs. I'm going upstairs. I'm going to school. I'm going to work.
英語学習 peer
He felt peer pressure and couldn't refuse to take the dope.
He got eyestrain from peering too long at the VDT screen.
Ann has banded together with her like-minded peers to change that.
Workaholics are objects of pity among their peers.
I often go to the restaurant with my company peers.
英語: corporate mantra
mantra of the environmental movement
《a ~》環境保護運動の合言葉
campaign mantra
corporate mantra
《a ~》企業(の)信念
national mantra
oft-heard mantra
sales mantra
《a ~》販売(の)モットー
He says, "Be yourself," every day like it's a mantra.
英語学習: 6 tips for dealing with speaking anxiety
Scared of speaking English in front of people? Do you get nervous when you have to speak in class, at meetings or even social events? You are not alone. Speaking anxiety is one of the most common problems students face. This video will give you six ways to overcome speaking anxiety. I have used each of these tips myself and know that they work.
breathe walk automate language = practice remenber use a template mantaras 信念
英語学習: 22 Would you like to go
I'd like to invite you to dinner. Would you care to go dinner? How about going to dinner ? Do you want to go dinner? Would you like to go dinner?
英語学習: 10 Common Expressions in English
In this lesson you will learn 10 very common English expressions used in everyday conversation.
英語学習: Love & Relationships - expressions and vocabulary
In this lesson you will learn some very common English expressions about love and relationships. Keep the comments clean, please!
The boss and I have always hit it off (well) together. 上司と私はいつでもうまくやっている。 Bob and Meg met at a party yesterday and hit it off. ボブとメグは昨日パーティーで出会って意気投合した。 Their marriage is nearly on the rocks. 彼らの結婚生活は破綻寸前です。 The couple's relationship was on the rocks for the last several years. 夫婦関係がここ数年間破綻状態だった。 Fall head over heels. ぞっこんほれ込みなさい。 I'll fall head over heels for Bob? 私はボブにぞっこんほれ込むわ。 They went to Las Vegas to tie the knot there. 彼らはラスベガスへ行って結婚式を挙げた。 After a major turnaround those two finally tied the knot. 大どんでん返しの末、あの二人結局結婚したよ。 My sister and her boyfriend will tie the knot next month. 姉とボーイフレンドは来月、結婚する。 Congratulations on deciding to tie the knot. 結婚が決まっておめでとう。 Because it seemed an appropriate time, he popped the (big) question without hesitation. ちょうどいいタイミングだと思ったので、彼はためらうことなくプロポーズした。 Did he pop the question? 彼が突然プロポーズしたの? She hopes her honey is going to pop the question soon. 彼女は恋人がもうすぐプロポーズしてくれるだろうと期待している。 He finally settled down and started a family. 彼はとうとう身を固めて、家庭を持った。 When I settled down in the city, I thought I could turn a page of my life. その街に居を定めたとき、人生の新しいページを開くことができると思った。 Isn't it about time you settled down with a nice girl? そろそろ良い相手を見つけて身を固めてもいいんじゃないか?
英語学習: 5 tips to improve your writing
Want to become a better writer? In this video, I will share five easy and quick tips that will improve writing in formal and academic settings. If you're in college or university or plan to study overseas, this video is for you! Watch the lesson, then take the quiz:
3 expressions to improve your conversation skills
Improve your conversation skills in English immediately with these three easy expressions. You'll make it easier for people to understand what you're saying, and your speech will flow more naturally, just by following the tips I give in this free lesson. To make sure you've understood how to use these three expressions correctly, take the quiz .
IF you ask me, Speaking of, AS I was saying,
Personality Development Skills - Let's Talk English Speaking Mumbai
Importance of personality development. What is personality? Personality is what we perceive in our mind. What is inside, the thoughts or the conflict inside contribute greatly to or physical appearance too. There's a certain image that we hold of ourselves and that is what is projected outside. Personality is what you are and your identity. In this program, we are going to be presenting tips that you can relate to and incorporate in your everyday life to emerge as a well rounded personality.
Spoken English Lesson 02 - ESL lesson with Vocabulary & Phrases
Lesson Introduction: It's Monday morning and you wake up sick! How do you tell your boss? This lesson will help you discover new words and phrases that will allow you to ask for a day off from work!
quite ill the FLU headach sore throat runny nose slightly feverish recover I'm coming down with something.
ことば解説: ペントハウス、ケータリングサービス、モラトリアム
青年が社会で一定の役割を引き受けるようになるまでの猶予期間のこと。 人間の成長の中で社会的責任を猶予される期間。 学生生活はよくモラトリアム期間と言われる
読書暦:老いは迎え討て 田中澄江