It is now over 11 weeks since I placed the above order with you and I am still awaiting the delivery of my 2004 Quickstar desktop. 上記商品を発注してから現在で11週間以上がたちますが、いまだに2004 Quickstar desktopの到着を待っています。 It is futile to talk to him since he won't listen. 彼は聞こうとしないから、彼に話をしても無駄です。 It is ten years to a day since I came to this town. この町に来てきっかり10年になる It is three years since he went to America. It is ten years since I started swimming. It is two years since we parted. It is three years since he left this company. It is difficult for people in the socialist country to understand the principle of market mechanisms since they are used to an equitable distribution of wealth. 社会主義国家の人々は富の公平な分配に慣れているので市場の競争原理を理解するのが難しい。 Although it is possible for you to replace the screen on your own, our company will gladly replace it for you, free of charge, since we do not sell LCD screens separately. お客さまご自身で画面を交換されることは可能かと存じますが、弊社では液晶画面を単品販売しておりませんので、無償交換とさせていただきます。 全文表示 It is difficult to express in words how grateful I am for the tremendous amount of support you have given me in the lead-up to the wedding I've dreamed about ever since I was a little girl. 小さな女の子だったころからずっと夢見てきた結婚式が近づく中、本当にたくさんの支援をしてくださったこと、言葉には言い表せないほど感謝しています。 全文表示 It has been some time since I last wrote, and I trust that all is going well with you. ご無沙汰していますがお元気でしょうか。 It has been two months since Claire was taken off the project, but she is still hoping for an explanation. クレアはそのプロジェクトから外されて2カ月になるが、今もなお説明を求めている。
今日の英語: It is two years since we parted.
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