Financial Moves You Should Make in Your 50s Money issues are important at every stage of your life, but they're particularly critical in your mid-50s and beyond. As you approach retirement, you're trying to determine how much longer you can work and how much more you need to save to hit your target. And once you've retired and have to rely on social security and distributions from your retirement plans, keeping on a budget is even more important. Fortunately, our Money Over 55 expert ABC is here to help. From tax planning to Social Security to retirement budgeting, Certified Financial Planner ABC can guide you on every important money decision you'll need to make later in life. -------------------------- this year and beyond 本年以降 I really have to budget now. : 今は本当に予算を立て(て節約し)なきゃいけない。
Financial Moves You Should Make in Your 50s
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